I think that baking soda is one of the best cleaners. This pin is about how to clean oven
doors. My oven door is gross. Brown, sticky spots are all over it. Nothing cleans it.
All you have to use is ¼ cup baking soda and enough water to
make a watery paste. Then, you smear it
all over the door, especially the glass, and let it sit for 15-30 minutes.
Well, I waited thirty minutes and wiped it off with the
abrasive side of a sponge. It looked
good, but it was still wet, so I waited to take a picture.
Two hours later, I went back and saw that white reside was
still all over the oven door. I wiped it
off again. This time, I looked closer
and noticed that it didn’t look as clean as I thought I had gotten it.
So my oven door still has brown, sticky spots on it. Granted, it has less spots than before, but
it was no miracle cleaner like the pin said it would be.
I know that my pictures aren’t that great. It’s hard to see the brown spots because the carpet
underneath the door is brown. Oh, well. You
will just had to take my word that it was gross and now it is slightly less

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