Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 35- Drying Nail Polish Quickly

I saw this pin and it seemed too good to be true.  I always smudge my nail polish, so it wanted to see if this was a good way to dry nail polish quickly.  It wasn’t. 
Step 1: run cold water in a bowl and add ice cubes.
Step 2: Pain nails.  It said that it was fine if they were a little messy because the water would get rid of any polish on my skin.  I was super messy just to test it out.
Step 3: Slowly sink hands into water.
Step 4: Keep fingers in water for three minutes.  Caution: it’s really cold.  My hand started to cramp.  The older the water, the faster it will dry, according to the pin.
Step 5: Remove hands from water.  Nail polish should be rock hard and any nail polish on your skin should be cleaned up. 
See the unevenness of the polish now?  My index finger hardly has any nail polish on it now.
While my hand was submerged, I could see the nail polish floating off of my nails.  More polish came off of my nails than came off of my skin.  In fact, some of the polish moved from my nails onto my skin! 
When I took my hand out of the water, I waited a minute and wiped the water off of my hand in with a paper towel.   Most of my nail polish ended up on the paper towel.  My nails were nowhere near dry.  This is not work at all.  It just created a mess. I have nail polish on the bottom of my bowl that won’t come off and polish all over my hand. 

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