Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 134- Vodka Mouthwash

This is a pin after my own heart.  The pin is about how to pass a 5th of vodka off as Listerine. 

I know the holidays are coming up and in my family it is not acceptable to pack a bottle of vodka in your suitcase (even though drinking is the only way to get through Christmas).  I plan on drinking, but wasn't sure how I was going to smuggle alcohol into my suitcase.  Now, I don't have to worry.

Pout vodka into an empty Listerine bottle.  Add 3 drops of blue food coloring and 1 drop of green.  Now, your vodka looks like mouthwash.  No one will ever know.

I'm so glad that Pinterest has found a way to make my drinking a secret.  It's really classy.  Now people will wonder why I'm drinking Listerine all weekend.

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