Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 98- Detox Bath

I saw this pin about a detox bath and I was super skeptical.  People were commenting about how much it made them sweat and how good they felt after doing the detox bath.  I knew that it was complete BS and I was going to prove it. The pin said that it was the cure of the common cold.  It seemed unbelievable.  But it was as good as it said it was going to be.
1. Run a hot bath. It opens pores and prepares body for cleansing.

2. Add three pints of hydrogen peroxide (3%). This oxygenates the body and helps purge toxins. It’s also antibacterial and antiviral. (I only used a little less than one pint.  Three seems like overkill.)
3. Add two ounces of ground ginger, a natural anti-inflammatory that increases blood circulation and helps promote the elimination of toxins through sweat.

4. Soak for about 30 minutes.
5. Drink lots of water.   You need to replenish what’s being pulled out of your system.

I thought that people were just sweating from the hot water. The first minute I was soaking in the bath, I wasn’t sweating at all.  I was laughing at how ridiculous this was, but then it happened.  All of the sudden sweat was pouring down my face.  I’m not talking like a little glistening sweat.  I’m talking about full on I-just-ran-a-marathon sweat.  I don’t think I have ever sweated so much in my life.  And I was just sitting in the bathtub.
It was unbelievable how much I was sweating. It was in my eyes and running down my face. I didn’t make it the full 30 minutes.  After about 15, I had to wash off the sweat.  It was beginning to annoy me.

I was getting over a cold before I started this. I was blowing my nose and coughing.  Since my bath about 5 hours ago, I haven’t coughed or blown my nose.  I don’t know if it is a cure for the common cold, but it definitely helped mine.

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