Monday, November 26, 2012

Day118 double chin and armpit fat workout

I have a double chin. It's true. I don't know what to do about it. I'm losing weight but my double chin seems to be getting worse. I know that doesn't make sense but that us what's happening. I never used to have a double chin. A couple of years ago I was in a car accident and sustained neck injuries. As I healed, my face swelled. The swelling had gone down in most places but ever since then, I've had a double chin.

I saw this pin today about getting rid of double chins and armpit fat. I decided to give it a try. Since I just stared today, I don't know how well it worked but I do know how I feel after it.

Only one of the exercises seemed to be for a double chin. The rest seemed to target armpit fat which I don't really have a problem with.

After doing the exercises, my arms feel weak. The first exercise is killer but the rest are easy. I was disappointed in the chin lift one. After doing it, my tongue is tired but I don't feel like I worked off any if my double chin.

I will keep doing these for a week or two. Hopefully I will see some improvement in the chin area but I'm not getting my hopes up.

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