Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 54- Make your house smell good

I was cleaning today.  Like, I was hardcore cleaning.  My whole house smelled like vinegar.  I remembered seeing this pin about how to make your house smell better.

You put two caps full of vanilla extract in a coffee cup, then place it in the oven at 300 degrees for one hour. The house was supposed to smell great within twenty minutes.

I tried this.  After an hour, my kitchen smelled great, but I couldn't really smell it outside of the kitchen.  It wasn't until I took the cup out of the oven and it started to cool that the smell filled my house. 

The only downside was that the vanilla thickened.  By the time it was out ofthe oven, the vanilla was a sticky ring at the bottom of the coffee cup.  It was a pain to clean off. 

Other than that, I recommend this.  It smells so good.

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